See The World Through The Eyes of a Child.

People say they can't travel because they have kids....but traveling with my son is the best experience in the world!

I lay here, cuddled in warm winter flannel sheets and duvet with my little travel buggie, and I imagine the dreams that lay ahead of us and the dreams we have already made come true thus far.

This little boy has traveled around the world with me to dream locations like;

Tulum, Mexico
Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica
Boca Del Toro, Panama
Virginia, USA
Florida, USA
North Carolina, USA
New Orleans, USA
Bergen, Norway
York, England

Just to name a few! In the 4 years, he has joined me on this magickal earth realm, he has pushed me to make all my dreams come true. And as I lay here with him, watching him sleep, I know I will do everything in my power to make all of his dreams come true.

Thankful that he currently follows in my footsteps, of dreams of seeing the world, but through the magickal eyes of a child;

Mexico - We weren't just swimming in the ocean, we were searching for mermaids, seeing sea turtles, and playing for hours upon hours in the salty heavens. We didn't just walk past dolphins, but through a ball to them and played with them. We didn't just go sightseeing the Mayan ruins, we were searching for Alux and ancient energies.

Costa Rica - We didn't just wake up each morning, we'd wake up and feed the monkeys by hand, we didn't just venture through the rain forest, we rode horses through the waterfalls of the rain forests.

Panama - We enjoyed sailing and fresh frozen fruit Popsicles.

Virginia - We didn't just walk around old forts, we enjoyed ghost hunting (yes he loved this) around old Fort Monroe, and bike riding along the beach, and peach picking in the countryside.

Florida - We played for hours upon hours at Universal Studios (on many occasions), we didn't just go lay at the beach, we swam and learned paddle boarding, and built sandcastles.

North Carolina - We didn't just go camping, we went searching for fairies, playing naked in the rivers, and hiked to "the top of the world".

New Orleans - We weren't there to party, instead we gobbled up the delicious foods, searched for magic, witches, and vampires.

Bergen - We didn't just hike the mountains, but we also stopped to search for trolls along the way, we didnt just cruise through the fjords, we listened for ancients prayers echoing through the mountains and over the waters, and the sight of snow for the very first time, lead to snow angles, snowball fights, and cold hands, holding warm cocoa afterwards.

York - We didn't just go walk around the castle ruins, we imagined what the kings and queens were like living there, we played as if we were royalty, and we imagined what life was like back then.

This boy brings so much magic and wonder into our adventures...reminding me with each and everything thing that we do, to do it through the eyes of a child, with amazement and wonder!

People tell me all the time, they wish they could travel, but they feel their children restrict them from this journey.

Let me tell you will never enjoy travel as much, as you do with your child! Let them show you the world through THEIR eyes!

Join us on an adventure!

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